Social Responsibility

We're proud to support these highly-rated charities through contributions from our organization and from our partners.

Annual Gifting
$ 1000 +
Gifting since 2017
$ 1000 +
Raised thru chaired events
$ 100000 +

We Encourage You to Consider Giving to
These Worthy Non-Profits:

Southeastern Guide Dogs has matched more than 3,200 guide and service dogs since its 1982 inception and currently has over 1,200 dogs in its program.

Initially serving the visually impaired, the organization also introduced the Paws for Patriots program. Veterans with PTSD and other needs are paired with life-changing service dogs. 

The SEAL Legacy Foundation supports the Naval Special Warfare community. Programs include scholarships for family members, grants for those in need, and a clinical program for Navy SEALs who are dealing with post-traumatic stress, traumatic brain injury, or other invisible wounds. 

SP6 is a proud sponsor of the foundation’s annual 9/11 fundraising event.

SP6's Matching Gift Program

Since its inception, SP6 has donated to many other charities with a variety of missions.

Here’s another way we care and give back: In 2021, we announced the launch of our company’s Matching Gift Program for all team members. Through this program, SP6 provides a dollar-for-dollar match of employee contribution to worthy non-profits.